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Ask About Lip surgeries


Success rate








Summary of Lip

Augmentation and Reduction

0.5 - 2 hrs

Local or General

Week - follow up

Immediate - normal activities

Immediate - final results

Temporary - fillers

Permanent - Surgery

Lip Augmentation

Lip Reduction

satisfied  with the results

- After the age of 18 years

- Harmony with other facial features

- Functional problem

- You must have realistic expectations of the results


Most of patients want to improve their appearance without attraction to the fact that they underwent a "plastic surgery" and this is our primary goal.

Best Candidates for lip enhancement

The aesthetic measures of your Lips

There are several properties in the area of the mouth and chin that make the lips look more beautiful:

Teeth aligned and not prominent.

Pink or scarlet-skinned white and dark brown-brown skinned person.

The upper and lower lip size is such that the upper lip is less than twice the size of the lower lip.

They are thick in the middle and finer at the angles of mouth.

Clarity of the line between the lip and the skin or the so-called lip edge (Vermilion border).

Clarity of the upper lip arch in the middle (Cupid's bow).

When smiling, the upper gums appear no more than 2 mm.

No severe dehydration, or cracks in the lips.

Lip Augmentation

Filler or Fat

With a local anesthetic cream and within half an hour


Hyaluronate (temporary): The most common types are Restylane, Tesolal, Dermafiller, Fioderm, and Gefoderm. And these materials are a generation made of hyaluronic acid and produced in an industrial way and do not need to test for sensitivity before injection and dissolve with time and continue for a period of nine months to a year and a half then you will need re-injection.


Fat (permanent): It is taken from your body and treated in special ways before it is injected into the lips. And because it is from the same body, it does not cause an allergy. But you need an operating room to perform it.


You can practice your normal life right after you do it.


There are permanent synthetic materials that are not recommended to be used for injection, such as hydroxyapatite, articol, and silicon, due to the high incidence of granular masses in the lips and the difficulty of removing them.

Lip Reduction

Lip reduction is performed under general anesthesia. It takes about an hour and a half


There are two ways to reduce the lips:

From the inside of the mouth

From the outside of the skin of the lips

What do you expect during the recovery period after lip beautification?


- You can practice your daily life directly.

- Some swelling will subside within a short period

- Injected areas should not be massaged for a week to avoid changes in injection sites.

- Smoking is one of the reasons for the rapid dissolving of injected substances due to the movement of the lips.


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